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Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strap

Are you looking for an authentic Ingersoll men's watch? You came to the right place! At the DIALANDO® online watch store, you can buy the Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch and enjoy free shipping in Malta from 75 Euro. All our watches are original and come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Are you looking for an authentic Ingersoll men's watch? You came to the right place! At the DIALANDO® online watch store, you can buy the Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch and enjoy free shipping in Malta from 75 Euro. All our watches are original and come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Ingersoll logo

Dan huwa prodott oriġinali minn Ingersoll.

Jinvolvi għal garantija tal-manifattur ta' 2 snin.

Unfortunately, this product is sold out. Find out more

X'tista' tistenna meta tixtri minn DIALANDO®?

  • Prodotti autentiċi
  • Pagament sikur
  • Trasport ħieles minn 75 Ewro.
  • Parcela assigurata
  • Politika ta' rikonoxximent ta' 14 ġurnata
  • Servizz ta' għodda tal-ħin professjonali
  • Il-ħwejjeġ għall-ħadijiet disponibbli
Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strap

      Ingersoll I12301, Men's watch

      12 min-naħa tagħna għażlu Ingersoll fl-aħħar 30 jum

      Dan il-prodott huwa mibsell, iżda nistgħu ninfurmawk meta jibda jkun disponibbli mill-ġdid

      Dwar Ingersoll I12301

      An excellent choice for men!

      This analogue watch from Ingersoll has a silicone strap in black, complemented by a black / silver dial. Please note, the dial for the Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch has 45 mm in diameter.

      The automatic powered watch has hour / minute / second functions and regarding water resistance, Teżisti pressjoni ta' sa 5 atm.

      The price for this model is ġol 300 € - 500 € budget. Our today's price for the Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch is 369 €.

      You can see all the specifications for this watch (download Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 specifications) and learn more about Ingersoll in the section below.

      Please contact us if you have any questions about this product.

      DIALANDO® Protection logo

      Dan il-prodott huwa eliġibbli għall-Protezzjoni DIALANDO® Protection!

      Dan il-prodott ġie msejjaħ 32 drabi illum.

      Il-prezz rakkomandat għall-bejgħ għal dan il-prodott huwa 465 €.

      Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strapIngersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch, silicone strap
        12 min-naħa tagħna għażlu Ingersoll fl-aħħar 30 jum

        Ingersoll The Challenger Automatik I12301 men's watch speċifikazzjonijiet

        Skopri kollox li għandek bżonn taf dwar il-Ingersoll I12301. Jekk int interessat/interessata f'xiri din il-prodott, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta l-lista ta' speċifikazzjonijiet fil-tabella hawn taħt biex tkun żgur/a li hija l-għażla korretta għalik. Ukoll, fil-tab "Dwar" tista' ssib aktar dettalji dwar il-marka Ingersoll. Bħall-ewwel, jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet addizzjonali, ninkuraġgjuk li tikkuntattjana.

        Product information

        Gwaranzija [years]2

        Material & colour

        Materjal ta 'l-gwantaSilikon
        Kulur ta' l-bajdIswed
        Materjal ta' l-kaxxaĦadid inox
        Kulur tal-kaxxaFidda
        Suffaċċ tal-każPolit, Mat
        Kulur tad-discĊinża, Iswed
        ĠwienaĠiġeer minerali, Għaxar tal-ħġieġ

        Product execution

        Display TypeAnalogue
        Tip ta' movimentAwtoamtiku
        FunctionsSecond, Minute, Hour


        ċirku li jdurFiss
        Kaċċa ta' tmiemMaħruqa, Toħorġu minn stekkun
        Resistenti għall-ilma5 ATM


        Wisa tal-każinga [mm]45
        Spessu tal-każinga[mm]14

        Dwar Ingersoll

        The history of the United States is reflected in the Ingersoll legend. A legend that lives on!

        Over the course of their highly successful careers, Robert and Charles Ingersoll -- founders of one of the oldest American watch companies, are acknowledged to have reached many milestones in the development and sale of pocket watches and wrist watches. In 1880, the two sons of Orville Ingersoll, a farmer from Michigan, founded their enterprise in New York by producing and selling various articles for which they believed there was a general demand. Until that time, pocket watches were expensive luxury items, available to an exclusive few, because their manufacture entailed a great deal of highly skilled labour. The Ingersoll brothers pursued ambitious aims: on one hand to sell watches to a broad public and on the other hand to offer reasonable prices while providing high quality. Alongside the existing hand-made watches, in 1882, thanks to Henry Ford, they succeeded in developing automated production, first for pocket watches and later for wrist watches. Manufacturing high quality items under the motto of "One watch exactly like the other," they charged the very reasonable price of one dollar (a single day's wages at the time). This was how the so-called "Dollar Watch" or "Yankee" was born, of which over a million were produced. The advertisement for them, at the time, read: "The watch that made the dollar famous." The Ingersoll brothers achieved considerable success through their innovative sales policy. By the end of World War I, Ingersoll was able to demonstrate sales of 50 million pocket watches alone. Ingersoll customers included speakers of 20 different mother tongues. Even Mark Twain, whose "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" embodied the quintessential image of the young American, was so eager to own a "Dollar Watch" that he sent his order directly to the company. Thomas Edison relied on his "Yankee" and even Theodore Roosevelt mentioned that while hunting in Africa he was described as "The man from the country where Ingersolls are produced".  

        Ingersoll logo

        Informazzjoni Importanti

        Dan l-prodott huwa magħluq, iżda nistgħu ngħidu lilek meta huwa disponibbli mill-ġdid. Jekk jogħġbok, uża l-formola li tara fuq din il-paġna!

        Payment Klarna

        Nixtiequ niffaċilitaw l-esperjenza ta 'xiri tiegħek. Għalhekk ħarggħu l-għażliet tagħna tal-ħlas u issa nistgħu noffru l-possibbiltà li tħallas permezz ta 'Klarna, li hija waħda mill-għażliet tal-ħlas il-popolari f'Sweden meta tagħmel xiri online.

        Bil-Klarna, tista 'tħallas b'kart, faktura, jew debitu dirett permezz ta' e-banking tiegħek. Tista 'tagħżel ukoll li tħallas f'inqasħ ta' kundizzjonijiet biex toħloq bżonnijiet li għandek.

        Għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew tixtieq iktar informazzjoni?

        Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntatjana fuq it-telefon: +46 (0)10-551 5995 jew permezz ta 'email.


        - It-trasport huwa dejjem bla ħlas fuq xiri ta 'inqas minn 75 Ewro

        - Ġenerali, il-pakketti jintbagħtu direttament mill-għodda tagħna mal-UPS bħala parcella reġistrata u assigurata.

        - It-total ta 'żmien id-deliveranza jiddependi jekk dak li tordna huwa fil-ġnien jew le. u jekk għandna bżonn nordna l-oġġett mill-fornitur fuq.

        - Normalment, ikun għandu bżonn bejn 1 u 2 ġranet tax-xogħol biex parcella tiegħek tiġi fil-lokazz ta 'pick-up aktar qrib wara li għandna nħallewha minn għodda tagħna. Madankollu, ma nistgħux nikkonsenjaw għal xi tixħin il-kurrier jiffaċċja.

        - Meta l-prodott jingħalaq mill-għodda tagħna, se tirċievi notifika permezz ta 'email b'numru ta' kisba kif ukoll SMS awtomatiku.

        - L-UPS se jibgħat notifika meta jasal u wara ftit ġranet minn għandu jirreġistra jekk il-pakkett ma ġieqx.

        - Il-parcella se tibqa 'fil-lokazz ta' pick-up għal perjodu limitat ta' żmien qabel tirritorna awtomatikament jekk ma jkollniex jinħareġ fl-inqas żmien.

        Jekk jogħġbok osserva li aħna mhux il-manifattur tal-prodotti li jintbagħtu fuq is-sit elettroniku tagħna u xi informazzjoni fuq il-prodott tista 'tfisser b'dinja.

        Aħna mhux il-manifattur tal-prodotti li jintbagħtu fuq is-sit elettroniku tagħna. Filwaqt li nagħmlu xogħol biex nużaw li l-informazzjoni fuq il-prodott fuq is-sit tagħna tkun korretta, il-manifatturi jistgħu jibdlu d-dettalji fuq l-prodotti tagħhom u l-informazzjoni dwarhom.

        Għalhekk, għandek tkun taf li l-kuluri jistgħu jDifferu u jibdew jidhru differenti skont l-għatx tiegħek u fil-ħolqien fejn ġew imħabbra l-immaġini. Għalhekk m'għandekx tiffida fuq li tkun għarid għal-fehim sħiħ tal-kulur reali billi tara l-immaġini tal-prodott biss.

        L-ikkartun u l-materiali reali tal-prodott jistgħu jkollhom aktar jew differenti informazzjoni minn dik mostrata fuq is-sit tagħna. Għandek dejjem taqra l-etiketti, l-avvertimenti u l-istruzzjonijiet meħtieġa mal-prodott qabel tużah u ma għandekx tiffida biss fuq l-informazzjoni ppresentata fuq is-sit tagħna

        Għandek tkun taf id-demm mal-alternattivi dawn għall-istess stili

        Ħassejna għal moħħijiet oħra li jidhlu simili għall-Ingersoll I12301. Ħares fuq dawn l-alternattivi.

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        Fully satisfied with my purchase

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        Great watch. Good delivery

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        Highly recommend this!!

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