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Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch, real leather strap

Are you looking for an authentic Police men's watch? You came to the right place! At the DIALANDO® online watch store, you can buy the Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch and enjoy free shipping in Malta from 75 Euro. All our watches are original and come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Are you looking for an authentic Police men's watch? You came to the right place! At the DIALANDO® online watch store, you can buy the Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch and enjoy free shipping in Malta from 75 Euro. All our watches are original and come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Police logo

Dan huwa prodott oriġinali minn Police.

Jinvolvi għal garantija tal-manifattur ta' 2 snin.

Unfortunately, this product is sold out. Find out more

X'tista' tistenna meta tixtri minn DIALANDO®?

  • Prodotti autentiċi
  • Pagament sikur
  • Trasport ħieles minn 75 Ewro.
  • Parcela assigurata
  • Politika ta' rikonoxximent ta' 14 ġurnata
  • Servizz ta' għodda tal-ħin professjonali
  • Il-ħwejjeġ għall-ħadijiet disponibbli
Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch, real leather strapPolice Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch, real leather strap

      Police PL.14798JSQG/61, Men's watch

      46 min-naħa tagħna għażlu Police fl-aħħar 30 jum

      Dan il-prodott huwa mibsell, iżda nistgħu ninfurmawk meta jibda jkun disponibbli mill-ġdid

      Dwar Police PL.14798JSQG/61

      An excellent choice for men!

      This analogue watch from Police has a real leather strap in black, complemented by a black dial. Please note, the dial for the Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch has 50 mm in diameter.

      The quartz (battery) powered watch has second / minute / hour functions and regarding water resistance, Teżisti pressjoni ta' sa 10 atm.

      The price for this model is taħt a 100 € budget. Our today's price for the Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch is 0 €.

      You can see all the specifications for this watch (download Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 specifications) and learn more about Police in the section below.

      Please contact us if you have any questions about this product.

      DIALANDO® Protection logo

      Dan il-prodott huwa eliġibbli għall-Protezzjoni DIALANDO® Protection!

      Dan il-prodott ġie msejjaħ 29 drabi illum.

      Il-prezz rakkomandat għall-bejgħ għal dan il-prodott huwa 189 €.

      Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch, real leather strapPolice Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch, real leather strap
        46 min-naħa tagħna għażlu Police fl-aħħar 30 jum

        Police Apocalypse PL.14798JSQG/61 men's watch speċifikazzjonijiet

        Skopri kollox li għandek bżonn taf dwar il-Police PL.14798JSQG/61. Jekk int interessat/interessata f'xiri din il-prodott, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta l-lista ta' speċifikazzjonijiet fil-tabella hawn taħt biex tkun żgur/a li hija l-għażla korretta għalik. Ukoll, fil-tab "Dwar" tista' ssib aktar dettalji dwar il-marka Police. Bħall-ewwel, jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet addizzjonali, ninkuraġgjuk li tikkuntattjana.

        Product information

        Gwaranzija [years]2

        Material & colour

        Materjal ta 'l-gwantaĦamra vera
        Kulur ta' l-bajdIswed
        Materjal ta' l-kaxxaĦadid inox
        Kulur tal-kaxxaDahab
        Kulur tad-discIswed
        ĠwienaĠiġeer minerali

        Product execution

        Display TypeAnalogue
        Tip ta' movimentKwarduż (Batterija)
        FunctionsSecond, Hour, Minute


        ClaspPin buckle
        Resistenti għall-ilma10 ATM


        Wisa tal-każinga [mm]50
        Spessu tal-każinga[mm]15
        Ċirkuferenza massima tal-irkop [mm]215

        Dwar Police

        The Police label brings high fashion Italian metropolitan stylings to the international market, acting as a contemporary lifestyle benchmark for the youth market. A Police watch has attitude for those with a rebellious nature who want to combine a love of fashion with a unique, alternative flair.

        Police​, the De Rigo Group's house brand, was launched in Italy in 1983 as unisex eyewear and a metropolitan manifesto for those who set out to get noticed. The name is no coincidence. It triggers the imagination and dreams, especially of the younger generations, and offers a whole new outlook, across the ocean and against the tide. The name evokes the American "on the road" lifestyle, but also the strong urban spirit of the city of all cities: New York. The Police attitude made its worldwide mark right from the outset, as an Italian brand with potent international overtones. This alternative, nonconformist, almost irreverent brand immediately carved out a niche of its own. Building on its growing identity and positioning, over the years Police has reinvented itself, going from a simple eyewear brand to a veritable lifestyle benchmark. In this transformation, the brand extended to include a full range of fashion accessories - perfumes, watches, jewellery and leather goods - all with a strong personality, and representing a particular look and way of life. Young, authentic rebels, who follow the trends but seek to stand out with originality and flair, are thus irresistibly drawn to the Police "community". The Police brand continues to ride above the fashions, without ever compromising its personality. This has been portrayed over the years by important Brand Ambassadors, such as Bruce Willis, George Clooney, David Beckham, Antonio Banderas and the football star, Neymar Jr, who have interpreted and voiced the Police values, style and world. The world we live in now and the idea itself of rebellion have changed, and the brand decided to aim, in a new voice, at the today's rebels: young people who want to make a mark on the world they live in through their choices and their desire to express themselves. They're the people who more than any other will influence the world we live in tomorrow and best represent the renewed spirit of Police. Police products are now distributed in more than 80 countries across all major cities. Since 2008, the brand's retail strategy has focused mainly on the Middle East and China, alongside the opening of 40 shop-in-shops in the most important Department Stores. These shop-in-shops embody the quintessence of the Police lifestyle. They serve to reinforce the brand image and its metropolitan attitude whilst presenting a lifestyle as a whole. 

        Police logo

        Informazzjoni Importanti

        Dan l-prodott huwa magħluq, iżda nistgħu ngħidu lilek meta huwa disponibbli mill-ġdid. Jekk jogħġbok, uża l-formola li tara fuq din il-paġna!

        Payment Klarna

        Nixtiequ niffaċilitaw l-esperjenza ta 'xiri tiegħek. Għalhekk ħarggħu l-għażliet tagħna tal-ħlas u issa nistgħu noffru l-possibbiltà li tħallas permezz ta 'Klarna, li hija waħda mill-għażliet tal-ħlas il-popolari f'Sweden meta tagħmel xiri online.

        Bil-Klarna, tista 'tħallas b'kart, faktura, jew debitu dirett permezz ta' e-banking tiegħek. Tista 'tagħżel ukoll li tħallas f'inqasħ ta' kundizzjonijiet biex toħloq bżonnijiet li għandek.

        Għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew tixtieq iktar informazzjoni?

        Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntatjana fuq it-telefon: +46 (0)10-551 5995 jew permezz ta 'email.


        - It-trasport huwa dejjem bla ħlas fuq xiri ta 'inqas minn 75 Ewro

        - Ġenerali, il-pakketti jintbagħtu direttament mill-għodda tagħna mal-UPS bħala parcella reġistrata u assigurata.

        - It-total ta 'żmien id-deliveranza jiddependi jekk dak li tordna huwa fil-ġnien jew le. u jekk għandna bżonn nordna l-oġġett mill-fornitur fuq.

        - Normalment, ikun għandu bżonn bejn 1 u 2 ġranet tax-xogħol biex parcella tiegħek tiġi fil-lokazz ta 'pick-up aktar qrib wara li għandna nħallewha minn għodda tagħna. Madankollu, ma nistgħux nikkonsenjaw għal xi tixħin il-kurrier jiffaċċja.

        - Meta l-prodott jingħalaq mill-għodda tagħna, se tirċievi notifika permezz ta 'email b'numru ta' kisba kif ukoll SMS awtomatiku.

        - L-UPS se jibgħat notifika meta jasal u wara ftit ġranet minn għandu jirreġistra jekk il-pakkett ma ġieqx.

        - Il-parcella se tibqa 'fil-lokazz ta' pick-up għal perjodu limitat ta' żmien qabel tirritorna awtomatikament jekk ma jkollniex jinħareġ fl-inqas żmien.

        Jekk jogħġbok osserva li aħna mhux il-manifattur tal-prodotti li jintbagħtu fuq is-sit elettroniku tagħna u xi informazzjoni fuq il-prodott tista 'tfisser b'dinja.

        Aħna mhux il-manifattur tal-prodotti li jintbagħtu fuq is-sit elettroniku tagħna. Filwaqt li nagħmlu xogħol biex nużaw li l-informazzjoni fuq il-prodott fuq is-sit tagħna tkun korretta, il-manifatturi jistgħu jibdlu d-dettalji fuq l-prodotti tagħhom u l-informazzjoni dwarhom.

        Għalhekk, għandek tkun taf li l-kuluri jistgħu jDifferu u jibdew jidhru differenti skont l-għatx tiegħek u fil-ħolqien fejn ġew imħabbra l-immaġini. Għalhekk m'għandekx tiffida fuq li tkun għarid għal-fehim sħiħ tal-kulur reali billi tara l-immaġini tal-prodott biss.

        L-ikkartun u l-materiali reali tal-prodott jistgħu jkollhom aktar jew differenti informazzjoni minn dik mostrata fuq is-sit tagħna. Għandek dejjem taqra l-etiketti, l-avvertimenti u l-istruzzjonijiet meħtieġa mal-prodott qabel tużah u ma għandekx tiffida biss fuq l-informazzjoni ppresentata fuq is-sit tagħna

        Għandek tkun taf id-demm mal-alternattivi dawn għall-istess stili

        Ħassejna għal moħħijiet oħra li jidhlu simili għall-Police PL.14798JSQG/61. Ħares fuq dawn l-alternattivi.

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        Fully satisfied with my purchase

        "Fully satisfied with my watch purchase, So thank you very much, I have always had a lot of watches to choose from and changed often, but I use this watch regularly."

        Review għal Emporio Armani AR2453 men's watch minn Jonas Lindström

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        Great watch. Good delivery

        "Great watch. Good packaging, nice cardboard. Was not in stock so thought it would arrive after New Year but arrived before Christmas, so good delivery."

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        Highly recommend this!!

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