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Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strap

Are you looking for an authentic Lorus unisex watch? You came to the right place! At the DIALANDO® online watch store, you can buy the Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch and enjoy free shipping in Malta from 75 Euro. All our watches are original and come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Are you looking for an authentic Lorus unisex watch? You came to the right place! At the DIALANDO® online watch store, you can buy the Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch and enjoy free shipping in Malta from 75 Euro. All our watches are original and come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Lorus logo

Dan huwa prodott oriġinali minn Lorus.

Jinvolvi għal garantija tal-manifattur ta' 2 snin.

Unfortunately, this product is sold out. Find out more

X'tista' tistenna meta tixtri minn DIALANDO®?

  • Prodotti autentiċi
  • Pagament sikur
  • Trasport ħieles minn 75 Ewro.
  • Parcela assigurata
  • Politika ta' rikonoxximent ta' 14 ġurnata
  • Servizz ta' għodda tal-ħin professjonali
  • Il-ħwejjeġ għall-ħadijiet disponibbli
Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strapLorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strapLorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strap

      Lorus RRX67GX9, Unisex watch

      27 min-naħa tagħna għażlu Lorus fl-aħħar 30 jum

      Dan il-prodott huwa mibsell, iżda nistgħu ninfurmawk meta jibda jkun disponibbli mill-ġdid

      Dwar Lorus RRX67GX9

      An excellent choice for men or ladies!

      This analogue watch from Lorus has a silicone strap in yellow, complemented by a white dial. Please note, the dial for the Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch has 30 mm in diameter.

      The quartz (battery) powered watch has hour / minute / second functions and regarding water resistance, Teżisti pressjoni ta' sa 10 atm.

      The price for this model is taħt a 100 € budget. Our today's price for the Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch is 0 €.

      You can see all the specifications for this watch (download Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 specifications) and learn more about Lorus in the section below.

      Please contact us if you have any questions about this product.

      DIALANDO® Protection logo

      Dan il-prodott huwa eliġibbli għall-Protezzjoni DIALANDO® Protection!

      Dan il-prodott ġie msejjaħ 14 drabi illum.

      Il-prezz rakkomandat għall-bejgħ għal dan il-prodott huwa 29 €.

      Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strapLorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strapLorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch, silicone strap
        27 min-naħa tagħna għażlu Lorus fl-aħħar 30 jum

        Lorus Kinderuhr RRX67GX9 unisex watch speċifikazzjonijiet

        Skopri kollox li għandek bżonn taf dwar il-Lorus RRX67GX9. Jekk int interessat/interessata f'xiri din il-prodott, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta l-lista ta' speċifikazzjonijiet fil-tabella hawn taħt biex tkun żgur/a li hija l-għażla korretta għalik. Ukoll, fil-tab "Dwar" tista' ssib aktar dettalji dwar il-marka Lorus. Bħall-ewwel, jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet addizzjonali, ninkuraġgjuk li tikkuntattjana.

        Product information

        Gwaranzija [years]2

        Material & colour

        Materjal ta 'l-gwantaSilikon
        Kulur ta' l-bajdYellow
        Materjal ta' l-kaxxaĦadid inox
        Kulur tal-kaxxaIsfar
        Suffaċċ tal-każMat
        Kulur tad-discWhite
        ĠwienaĠiġeer minerali, Għaxar tal-ħġieġ

        Product execution

        Display TypeAnalogue
        Tip ta' movimentKwarduż (Batterija)
        FunctionsMinute, Hour, Second


        ċirku li jdurFiss
        Kaċċa ta' tmiemDfiefer tal-azzar inox, Maħruqa
        IluminazzjoniDiġà Luminous
        Resistenti għall-ilma10 ATM


        Wisa tal-każinga [mm]30
        Spessu tal-każinga[mm]10

        Dwar Lorus

        Lorus - a watch you can trust - is a brand of Seiko Watch Corporation. Since 1982, Lorus has gained popularity and strong recognition all over the world, especially amongst discerning watch buyers looking for freshness of design, real tangible values, reliability and, most importantly, unbeatable quality at affordable prices.

        In 1982 the Seiko Watch Corporation launched the Lorus brand to compliment the Seiko and Pulsar offering. Its mission was simple; to make low cost watches available to all without forsaking style, quality or technology. The mission was a success and over the last 30 years more than 120 million watches have been sold worldwide. Today their aim remains the same as it was 30 years ago: To offer unbeatable value with bright and fresh designs. To supply and support quality retailers To be the brand of choice for the young and young-at-heart consumers To give impeccable quality, guaranteed by the Seiko Watch Corporation The Lorus collection offers men, women and children exciting designs, outstanding build quality and remarkable value. With every movement made to the highest standards by Seiko Watch Corporation factories, Lorus watches are built to last and come with a two-year guarantee. Belonging to the Seiko family means that Lorus can take advantage of the horological innovations taking place within the group. Within their extensive range you will find alarm chronographs, digital and duo-display.  

        Lorus logo

        Informazzjoni Importanti

        Għandek tkun taf id-demm mal-alternattivi dawn għall-istess stili

        Ħassejna għal moħħijiet oħra li jidhlu simili għall-Lorus RRX67GX9. Ħares fuq dawn l-alternattivi.

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        Good response to customer service

        "Good response to customer service and fantastic feedback. Wife and daughters happy, thus I am also happy. Reliable delivery and have nothing to complain about."

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        Customer service contact 5-star

        "Fast delivery, convenient payment option. The watch is super nice! Customer service contact 5-star."

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        Sur ta' Bering 11139-564 għassa tan-nisa msejjaħ minn Cecilia Andersson

        Really fast delivery

        "Very happy with my new watch! It is reasonably large and stylish. Really fast delivery without problems."

        Review għal Bering 11139-564 għassa tan-nisa minn Cecilia Andersson